At The Pet Glider, we have everything you need to own and take care of your very own sugar glider! However, in other states, such as Georgia, you must obtain a special permit in order to keep one as a pet. The required permit for possession costs $50 (annually?). They are also nocturnal which is not an ideal sleep schedule for a household pet. Guinea Pigs as Pets: 17 Things to Know Before Getting One, Axolotl Food: What They Can Eat (And What They Shouldnt), Red-Eared Sliders as Pets: Ease of Care, Legality, and Life Expectancy. The laws in Pennsylvania pertaining to exotic pets are flagrantly unjust. Sugar Glider Appearance. They are very popular as they have heating built in. [email protected] on November 01, 2018: Are goats legal to own as pets in Philadelphia Pa ? The law in from the game commission states that you can not own, trade, sell or give away a sugar glider in the state of Pennsylvania. Despite this long list of prohibited animals, you do not need a permit for sugar gliders or ferrets, as long as the ferret is neutered before seven months of age and has been vaccinated for rabies. Latest Exotic Pet Statistics In 2022 [Ownership & Attacks] - Pawsome Advice As An amazon associates, we earn from qualifying purchases. This was discussed in previous sections, to recap they need a large cage with many accessories to allow them to practice their natural instincts. They are marsupials native to Australia,, States where sugar gliders are legal but illegal in some cities, California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Complete Guide to Keeping Fennec Fox as Pet, Keeping Fennec Foxes as Pets: Pros and Cons, Interacting and Bonding with Your Fennec Fox, Minnesota: its illegal to have a sugar glider in, New York: its illegal to have a sugar glider in, Utah: its illegal to have a sugar glider in. Where applicable, you must provide the landlord's or property owner's name. You either have to buy them directly from breeders or an exotic pet shop if your city has one. They sometimes need vitamin supplements sprinkled on food. This means their stomachs have not adjusted to eating any normal pet food, they have to eat what they would normally eat in the wild. Let us know. Make sugar gliders LEGAL in PENNSYLVANIA - I was told the fear is that they will get loose, destroycrops, mate with flying squirrels and a few other things. Minnesota allows sugar gliders statewide, but they are illegal within the city of St. Paul. Many states have cryptic rules regarding the private ownership of so-called exotic animals. All "nonhuman primates" are off limits as pets. But sugar gliders live approximately 10-15 years so they truly are a Forever furry friend . In 2011, there were a mere "28 active permits for individual possession of exotic pets in the state, 11 dealer permits and 112 menagerie permits". They love to relax in nests or hammocks which are a great addition to a cage. If youre thinking about getting a sugar glider, be sure to check your state and local laws first. If they do get depressed, this could also cause them to get ill and potentially pass away. Pennsylvania's overtime rules were amended in late 2019. They love to be in your pocket, in your hair and just close to you in general. Hedgehogs and sugar gliders could become pets in Pennsylvania - ABC27 Sugar gliders are illegal to own as pets in a few states, including Alaska, California, Hawaii, and Pennsylvania. By law, most farm, wild, and exotic animals cannot be kept as pets in New York City. << Back to allSugar Glider Help & EducationorShop Sugar Glider Products. If you would rather not buy special food, there are many recipes online for food or nectar that can be made, and give all the needed nutrients to the Sugar Gliders. 84. In addition to providing, Just like any other pet, sugar gliders have specific dietary needs that need to be met in order to keep them healthy, Sugar gliders are a popular exotic pet, known for their cute, furry appearance and playful personalities. Sugar gliders are illegal in the cities of New York City (NY), Salt Lake City (UT), and St. Paul (MN) but are legal in the rest of the state. To summarize, sugar gliders are legal in 41 states, illegal in 3 states, and require a permit in 3 additional states. Even traveling through could get them confiscated. Care2 Stands With: humanitarians, animal lovers, feminists, rabble-rousers, nature-buffs, creatives, the naturally curious, and people who really love to do the right thing. Here is the list of states where sugar gliders are ILLEGAL to own: Alaska California Hawaii In all other states, it is LEGAL to own a sugar glider, with exceptions listed below: Georgia - must have proof that the glider originated from a source inspected and regulated by the United States Department of Agriculture (any licensed breeder) Like all states in the Northeast, Pennsylvania regulates exotic pets. . In 2017, Rep. David Zimmerman, of Lancaster, introduced legislation to make it legal to keep them as pets, but it's not gone anywhere. Cookie Settings/Do Not Sell My Personal Information. Types of Sugar Gliders | Different Breeds & Colors - The Doorstep You will only receive the permit after your enclosures are inspected and approved, but the PGC does not like to give out permits. That makes it a no-no as a pet in Pennsylvania. This means they need a large habitat to run, and climb, and glide. Here, youll find over 45 million like-minded people working towards progress, kindness, and lasting impact. 2023 Photographs and information on this web site and are protected by U.S . Sugar Gliders are social animals and live in colonies of up to 15 or 20, consisting of adult males, adult females, and their young, but can also share a nest with up to 7 others. After extensive research I am unsure as to why they are illegal in PA. Sugar Gliders need a lot of room to climb and glide, they also do better in pairs. Mammals specifically rarely form invasive populations; even in the warm climate of Florida, there are less than 10 truly invasive populations of mammals that have originated from the exotic pet trade. They also enjoy grooming each other and their owners. This is because they do not allow exotic animals out of concern for the effect on the native animal populations of their states. By owning a Sugar Glider without proper resources, you could be depriving it of its natural instincts, which is why many animal rights group advise against owning one. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. In Australia, where Sugar Gliders originated, they are almost completely banned as pets and are illegal to own as they are seen as wild animals. Are Sugar Gliders Legal in My State? - Exotic Nutrition They can be great companions, and once they are bonded to you they want to be with you always. Traveling vendors typically sell these animals at malls, festivals, conventions and fairs venues that foster impulse purchases.. But not in Pennsylvania. First is the cost of the actual Sugar Glider. On December 26, 2007, the St. Paul City Council voted to ban sugar gliders in the city, as a preventive measure. These are great pets and I don't believe that the persons that are responsible for this decision had the proper education of these animals. Sugar gliders are a long term commitment. There are also a few cities within states where sugar gliders are legal that have banned them. This also means they will be up all night, and may make noise in their cage throughout the night which may make it difficult to sleep. The PGC often provides conflicting information on what you need to do in order to keep exotics legally. It is illegal to own a pet sugar glider in the state of California. Individuals who lack the expertise and resources to provide proper care often buy exotic pets on a whim, she said. Support local journalism. They spent their first months in their mother's pouch, so they're considered marsupials. Sugar Gliders can die if they dont get enough social interaction. Although sugar gliders are not legal pets in every state, they are generally legal throughout the U.S. Sugar gliders are legal throughout most of the US. Please enable JavaScript to properly view our site. They need for attention the same as large exotic birds need attention or they get depressed and pull out feathers. Sugar Gliders love sweet things, which is where they get the first half of their name from, their love of sugar. While the law doesnt specifically call out sugar gliders, they DO list animals that are legal to own, Gliders are not on the approved clean list.. Sugar gliders are often called flying squirrels due to their comparable body structure, size, and prominent tail. They soar from tree to tree, spreading out their limbs to glide to where they need to go. I. Legalize Sugar Gliders in the state of PA, Copyright 2023, inc. and its licensors. How Long Do Pet and Wild Chinchillas Live? Before purchasing one make sure you are ready and able to care for it for that long. petition: Legalize Sugar Gliders in Pennsylvania Breeder Links - Sugar Glider Shop They need quiet and darkened places to sleep during the day where they will be undisturbed and allowed to sleep. Jan 11 2023 06:00:00 AM. Embora Pets is a website full of resources created for pet owners by pet owners. Sugar gliders are illegal to sell, keep, and own in California and some other U.S. states, including Alaska and Hawaii. Before we dig into the legalities of gliders, though, I just want to go over one quick note. Or any crossbreed or hybrid of wild animals. Then your cages must be approved according to the provided specifications. Also, be sure to research your state, county, city, and municipal laws and regulations before advertising to sell or purchasing any animal that may be considered . Adult Sugar Gliders are in lower demand because the older they get the more difficult it is to train them, which makes them less desirable to potential owners. . You cannot possess more than one snake. We Care2. In addition, many exotic species are regulated by the US government and require permits for possession and/or breeding. This is just the beginning of what you need to know before buying a Sugar Glider. Select your state and see if sugar gliders are legal or illegal. Code of Federal Regulations defines exotic animals as an animal that is native to a foreign country or of foreign origin or character, is not native to the United States, or was introduced from abroad. Understanding where Sugar Gliders come from and what they face in the wild may help you better understand your own Sugar Glider and how to better treat and take care of them. Hi, I am Jen! Sugar gliders can not survive the harsh winters in PA so there is no threat to the current wildlife population. These states and cities are: In Australia, there are a lot of concerns about keeping sugar gliders as pets, as well as some opposition against keeping native animals as pets. Sugar Gliders are Marsupials which mean they develop in a pouch on their mothers stomach. 10 Things to Expect When Owning Sugar Gliders - Savvy Pet Care Each country has its own laws and regulations, and sugar gliders are legal to be kept as pets in all EU-countries. They are considered exotic pets in the United States. They have a much longer lifespan than similarly-sized pets like gerbils and hamsters. Pet sugar gliders Rosemary is another sugar glider-safe plant that has a delicious taste. These states are: There are 3 states in the US where sugar gliders are 100% illegal. Subchapter N. EXOTIC WILDLIFE POSSESSION, Exotic wildlife" includes all bears, coyotes, lions, tigers, leopards, jaguars, cheetahs, cougars, wolves and any crossbreed of these animals.". And they have to prove they have the facilities to care for an exotic animal. Lawrence's bill, if it were to become law, also seeks to make these legal to own as pets. A bonded sugar glider will not try to escape from a family member, even when in new environments. In the wild, Sugar Gliders rarely ever touch the ground, they usually just glide from tree to tree and stay in the canopy if the forest. Will you do the same? Monday to Friday . However, before you bring an exotic pet home, its important to do your research. Having problems signing this? Sugar gliders live for an average of 10-15 years if they are well taken care of. Because of this, they have many benefits of owning a dog with a much smaller body size. Can You Own A Sugar Glider In California - zela The state House of Representatives on Wednesday voted 120-71 to reject a bill proposed by state Rep. David Zimmerman, a Republican representing portions of eastern Lancaster County that would have legalized the exotic pets. Some states have specific licensing requirements. Another thing they need is live insects for protein. But even if your state allows them, make sure they are legal at the local level. Sugar Gliders have medical problems just like any other pet and need to see a vet for regular check-ups. Sugar Gliders are nocturnal, meaning they will be most active at night. And you can't import timber rattlesnakes from outside Pennsylvania or breed them.