Your WSC cannot demand that a person pay the entire cost to extend a 6 inch line unless the engineer determines that is the size line it takes to serve that particular applicant. If your engineer has not approved the use of the booster pump or sized the lines and meters to accommodate the 60 rental homes, the customer is not in compliance with the terms of the agreement and your tariff. Given more information about your utility we may have suggestions regarding ideas on sharing the cost of any upgrade. A: The property owner may have a single master meter as long as the property is not divided or does not consist of separate tracts of land. Each systems board will make the final decision on base rates, as well as usage rates and fees. While the board of directors is keeping the old monthly charges and rates, we only have a base rate for 1 -inch meters. We had the owner submit a feasibility study and it shows that we can support them. Use some water out of the storage tank (ground or elevated). <9B> <9B> <203A> As an example, the number of service connections in an apartment complex would be equal to the number of individual apartment units. 0000000825 00000 n However, TCEQs 2019 guidance on determining the number of connections served by public water systems defines active connection to include any connection that has the capacity to receive water, even if there is no customer currently receiving water service there. /Registry (Times-RomanOPBaseFont0) Then a straight run of pipe at least three times the diameter of the pipe after the meter. <8B> <8B> <2039> /Supplement 0 Texas Water Code Sec. For years, many rural and municipal systems have opted to install master meters for rental properties such as multiple apartment buildings on the same tract of land, multiple mobile homes or manufactured homes on the same tract of land, as well as multiple RVs or strip/multi-use business centers with a common owner. <00A0> 0000001086 00000 n 0000001107 00000 n This letter should outline the PUC requirements for an accurate metering of water per connection. There are many points that need to be addressed before agreeing to this offer. endbfrange A: TRWA does not make recommendations for rates, but we do provide rate calculation training so that a system can set proper rates that are equitable to all customers. Austin, TX 78701 Q: We have a customer who has his meter inside a fence. I have also seen frustration when the front property owner requests a second meter from the system and the line is at capacity. <82> <82> <201A> <00A0> However, most of the time there isnt an easement filed between the two neighbors for the meter and service line from the front property to the back property being served. Google Map, Tel: 512.472.8591 There is no requirement where a WSC can request the landowner to be registered as a business. The inspector may also require the customer to demonstrate or show how water pipes at the secondary home are independent of the piping serving the customers primary residence. R02 includes a pool and lawn and landscape irrigation of the lot as long as there is no separate irrigation meter. One note here about equipment costs to replace the assets being removed TCEQ explained this to include the price of a meter, tapping saddle, curb stops, meter box, service tubing and any parts which were purchased by the original applicant when the service was first installed. We have several customers who have gates at the back of their homes and their homes are built at least 500 feet off the road. However, the only leverage we have is to disconnect service to the convenience store in order to compel the chain restaurant to get a separate meter. 10. The average daily flow for domestic use shall be calculated at the minimum rate of 100 gallons per day per capita (gpdpc) and an Equivalent Residential Connection (ERC) of 2.5 persons per single-family residence and 2.2 persons per multi-family and mobile home units.. I was told the meter was installed when a relative lived in a trailer on the far end of the property, but the meter has not been used for many years. Back in 2004, TRWA staff met with TCEQ to discuss several issues relating to their capacity regulations and interpretations. A: It is required that water systems verify that all materials and chemicals used in a public water system meet the TCEQ rules. 0000000766 00000 n 36 beginbfrange \"L&h6AKm5 ZydZ P*dGLr)9 3 (2) Active connection, as used in this section, means a lot or . According to subchapter D, rule 290.46(s)(1), flow measuring devices and rate-of-flow controllers that are required by 290.42(d) of this title (relating to Water Treatment) shall be calibrated at least once every 12 months. Wouldnt it make sense for the owner to have to pay the cost of extending the line(s) out to those structures? )-__@u{{z"|RDQG|G2`4Y M6 oaomo[^W[zWJ+wCV There is nothing that prevents a customer from having a separate meter just for their irrigation system. <85> <85> <2026> In either case, the utility must ensure that fees are assessed fairly. %OEG+HqH\9-:Y2=Ht),h1#d W% `9B-eR+0 0000036396 00000 n A: In the TRWA Sample Tariff, as well as in the USDA-RD Service Application and Agreement Form, it states that a meter shall be installed on a property to serve that single property and water cannot be diverted to another property. Published in January/February 2020 (Issue 1 of Quench). Payment of these fees are reimbursable if and when the District sells Bonds for that purpose and the TCEQ . startxref These existing capacity components were and are being paid for through monthly water rates. <09> <0A> <0009> We bring together that rare . <81> <81> <2022> Well get someone to demonstrate the rate template weve designed and provided to systems across the state. There should be a calibration or certification of accuracy with the new meter. end The two businesses had been in a partnership in the past under one roof. << 69 12 endcodespacerange A: This is a common question. <> You should start by notifying these customers that you have observed people living at these residences and cite them to the relevant TCEQ rules and provisions of your service agreement relating to having only one residence per connection. endobj endcmap If your system refunds memberships then the original member should get their membership back and the new property owner should pay for a new membership. Now climb the tank again after the well pump is stopped and measure the height of water again at the manway. <9F> <9F> <0178> To your knowledge, are there any parts of the tariff that would prohibit the member from entering into such an agreement or any part of the regulations that would prohibit such an agreement or jeopardize the systems compliance? Installing multiple meters on a single undivided property with a line running across the property could lead to easement issues in the future. <96> <97> <2013> <8F> <8F> <2022> G{|(> 7 This standard specifies that all chemicals used properly will not cause any health effects for the consumers. >> def 0000053091 00000 n Q: A current member of our WSC has asked for a second meter on their property. Again, this is an insurance issue to address with your insurance carrier. Some systems try to solve this issue by installing remote read meters (AMR) that allow the employee to drive by all the meter locations and the meters transmit the readings to a base unit in the vehicle. You could also require the applicant to provide this information as part of the application process. Most of the re-reads were because the brand of meters the system had installed used exterior-mounted antennas, which were susceptible to a variety of hazards, such as gophers, dogs or lawn mowers. Whatever the reason for requesting a second or third meter, they get irritated when they are denied the other meter (or told they will have to pay the cost of paralleling the line) while the person behind their property is enjoying a meter on their property. 3 The Blue ater Contract defines a "LUE" as the capacity necessary to serve a single-family residential . Problems also come about if a leak occurs by some accident or digging operation by the front property owner and the back property owner wants them to pay for damages, or have the system discount their water bill because they didnt know they had a leak. We have some meter boxes that do not have a meter as they were either pulled for non-payment or the owner requested them to be removed. The side benefit of the AMI technology is that when someone reports a leak in the system, this type of meter allows the system to read meters in that section to determine if the leak is from their system lines or from overwatering or leaks on the customers side. <9E> <9E> <017E> 5' <8A> <8A> <0160> The defined area is depicted in Appendix 1. Duplexes and triplexes are sufficiently similar to single family homes so that a duplex equals twice the ERU . <09> <0A> <0009> There is an automatic gate that only works by remote and we do not have access to it. Q: How does a person with multiple mobile homes become a master-metered account? <00> <00> <0000> The date of construction is not relevant to the issue of whether a single master meter or individual meters would be preferable; however, it is important when considering the required customer service inspection (CSI) which must be completed for all eight units and the tract of property to be served. lmr19a9s;rw;A$PsI@mr+9pB? <84> <84> <201E> <99> <99> <2122> The capacity is being used either way, and these new meters and customers are utilizing their share of the systems resources. #9: "We're already listed as very high risk. << A: We get this question from time to time, and the answer as to whether you should have one master meter for each apartment building or one meter per individual apartment is it depends. In general, the Public Utility Commissions (PUC) rules first want separate meters for each unit so each individual users water usage can be measured accurately. Public wells supply drinking water to municipalities. Either way, the system has to maintain these higher capacities of well production, storage tanks, pumps, lines and so on, or be fined for non-compliance for violations of 30 TAC Section 290.45 of the TCEQs rules. You also should consult your system attorney so an agreement can be developed to set out the scope of volunteer work, as well as the timeliness of these meter readings if you decide to enter into this free meter reading arrangement. We really need to understand the regulations and what action we need to take prior to approaching either business. The District is subject to the continuing supervision of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (the "TCEQ"). 12 dict begin How should this be handled? 0000000016 00000 n endcodespacerange Our service agreement states that we only allow one dwelling per connection. Next write down the master meter reading on the meter to be tested. A: You have a couple different issues to address. With regard to your 1.5 inch line, please note that the TCEQ Chapter 290 Rules state that a 2 inch main line size is the minimum to be installed on any public water system. Hopefully this will help address the customers concerns. <80> <80> <20AC> An LUE is assumed to represent 3.5 people living in a residence. If so, that is another major concern for liability should he interpret this agreement to read the meters as having free reign to the systems facilities. <82> <82> <201A> <8E> <8E> <017D> TCEQ staff at the time said it would be ok for a system to remove dormant or vacant taps even down to the water main, but the system could not assess any future applicant a new front-end contribution or equity buy-in fee, equipment costs to replace the assets being removed and possibly another membership fee if the system used non-refundable membership fees at those locations where these taps had been removed. 36 beginbfrange /CIDSystemInfo 0000001445 00000 n <96> <97> <2013> All the meters or at least the material data sheets should state that the materials used to manufacture the meters meet NSF 61. Would a hose running across the potential users property, across the alleyway, and across about 10 feet of the members property be allowed? Our employees drive around the community daily and can tell that there are clearly people living at these second residences. If your system already has this language, then TRWA suggests that systems that have several multiple connection issues send out a letter informing all customers of pending changes or stepped up enforcement of existing policies. <91> <92> <2018> ]*U}%GikLf!=ZpcC[RqHL The customer does not own the meter just like the customer doesnt own the electric meter or gas meter, even though they have to pay all costs for these other metering devices to be installed. s)Q0tWN <93> <94> <201C> endstream endobj 77 0 obj<>/BaseFont/Courier/FirstChar 0/LastChar 255/Subtype/Type1/ToUnicode 78 0 R/Widths[0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600]>> endobj 78 0 obj<>stream Single family Non-Residential Flow (gpd) # Users 2. A water well is a hole drilled into an aquifer with a pipe, screen, and pump to pull water out of the ground. <83> <83> <0192> CMapName currentdict /CMap defineresource pop 8P_zz[__z-os%DtGDrJb"" )A << Well meters required by 290.41(c)(3)(N) of this title (relating to Water Sources) shall be calibrated at least once every three years.. The inspector would also check for chlorine residuals at any location which the customer says is being supplied water from a private well or other source. Finally, it is also important to be clear with the applicant regarding how the drought contingency and water rationing requirements apply to the irrigation meter. In that case, the system may need to check the hot water heater to see if it has water in it or, as stated above, have the customer demonstrate that water in the second dwelling is from another source and not a water hose from the first house. These items became assets and therefore had to be maintained and upgraded at the expense of the water system. 0 Do we have to provide water to the new meter on this line? We want to be fair, but we also want be responsible. Systems generally dont want to extend their liability onto or across private property to read meters or make repairs after dark within a private property on the off chance that frequent trips onto that property raises the chance of some type of accident or damage to the owners property or tenants. 0000001312 00000 n If the customer still feels that the meter belongs to her then it may be helpful to give her the phone number to the PUC so she can discuss her concerns. In addition to the cost of the meter installation as well as any upfront impact or buy in fees. First, the customer must supply the system a final plat showing the intended use and ultimate development of the property to be served. Also, since the lead ban was in effect when the units were constructed in 2006, the CSI inspector should use swabs to test the plumbing for led. Does the owner have the choice of either getting a meter for each unit or getting one master meter? One ESFC is defined as equaling a typical detached single-family house. Then, once the system reaches 100 percent capacity, that system should begin constructing these new facilities to replace or build that extra 15 percent or more back into their system for future growth. The WSC board can amend the water rates at any board meeting where rate adjustments are posted as an agenda item for action. Turn the well control on and fill the tank or until there has been sufficient production from the well into the tank to raise the level of water or for the pump to cut off automatically. By doing this, when they get a few more meters, they can begin replacing the meter tops with these newer AMI tops. 365 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<826B791C035DF141B5FC102546D7A1A5>]/Index[339 51]/Info 338 0 R/Length 113/Prev 168287/Root 340 0 R/Size 390/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream A: TRWA hasnt tracked the number of systems that have installed electronic read meters, whether they be the AMR (drive-by) or AMI (instrumental gathered information) meters. endstream endobj 382 0 obj <>stream Save. A: This is an issue weve been talking to TCEQ about as far back as 2004. /CIDSystemInfo NSF 61 states that all components and materials used to cast or create the water works material/parts not contain any banned substances and that the meter, pipe, and/or parts have been properly constructed with the appropriate base materials. 0000001247 00000 n 0000001388 00000 n (16) Connection--A single family residential unit or each commercial or industrial establishment to which drinking water is supplied from the system. <9E> <9E> <017E> The board can amend the current charge to whatever they determine to be fair to the ratepayers. The elimination of external parts should reduce the need for re-reads due to malfunctions. /CMapType 2 def 36 beginbfrange How do you protect the integrity of the system when you do not know the background or intent of the person performing the volunteer work? Many times, a customer has a shut off valve installed to the second residence that can be turned off for plumbing repairs or when inspections like these are to be conducted. There are many different types and uses of wells. 0 {e9Q $b@;l0$" If not, then the system could be charged with trespassing. Is this legal or what problems could this create? Some systems opt to offer discounts to customers that have multiple connections or to waive impact or other front-end capital improvement fees. CONTACT 1002 Washington Ave., 3rd floor Houston, TX 77002 832.394.8888 8 am to 3 pm Wastewater Capacity Reservation Letter - Wastewater You, the property owner or authorized agent, must apply for a Wastewater Capacity Reservation letter if you are: Wastewater Capacity Reservation Letter - Water PUC rules also support the tariff stating that customers/members of a WSC are only qualified to receive service when theyve complied with the written provisions included in the WSCs tariff. 12 dict begin Furthermore, Section 290.44(d)(4) states that, each community public water system shall provide accurate metering devices at each residential, commercial, or industrial service connection for the accumulation of water usage data. Section 290.38 defines a connection as a single-family residential unit or each commercial or industrial establishment to which drinking water is supplied from the system. Including this language in a notification letter to all utility customers will help explain why the system is requiring a change for existing multiple connections. In many cases, system staff were simply too timid to enforce their own policies relating to meter locations if a customer raised their voice, said they would sue the system, or used an intimidating attitude. trailer <95> <95> <2022> The short answer is yes, the WSC/district board can change their tariff/service policy to allow for meters to be set on someone elses property. Q: We have been made aware of a customer who has installed an inline booster pump on their side of the meter. Therefore, removing the meter box completely could allow the utility to reduce its total number of connections for purposes of determining the systems necessary capacity. The base rates for larger meters should be set to pay for these larger required capacities instead of making the customers with standard size meters subsidize the customers with bigger meters that place more demand costs on the system. Some of this cost will be paid by these new customers once they start paying their monthly water bill, but the previous customers not only have been paying for what it costs for them to receive water delivered to their homes, they have also been paying a bit extra toward the complete debt-service for all existing capacity. (1) The requirements contained in this section are to be used in evaluating both the total capacities for public water systems and the capacities at individual pump stations and pressure planes which serve portions of the system that are hydraulically separated from, or incapable of being served by, other pump stations or pressure planes. <8C> <8C> <0152> <7F> <7F> <2022> Check to see if this reference is included anywhere and if not, call the supplier or the manufacturer for a copy to keep in your files in case the question comes up in the future. <88> <88> <02C6> Accordingly, at Section 24.169(a)(2) of the PUCs rules, the Commission unequivocally states that unless otherwise ordered by the commission, each utility shall provide, install, own and maintain all meters necessary for the measurement of water provided to its customers.. It is best to set the meters close to the structure to be served and to always obtain an easement for service lines and meters before new service is established. <80> <80> <20AC> The member wants to know if a neighbor can hook up to the meter and if so, under what circumstances. Irrigation with separate irrigation meter is a separate Type of Use. /CMapName /Helvetica-ObliqueOPBaseFont5 def PUC rules also specify the requirements for language that must be included in the rental agreement regarding submetering, how the charges are to be calculated and how billing is to be conducted. <9D> <9D> <2022> ~A%b u;_K[O]u?__KVX?p5~5Ka%K}>k47Z=j{u__t This allows the water to straighten out and have less turbulence, thereby allowing the meter to register as accurately as possible. <81> <81> <2022> Q: One of our members has offered to read meters each month for free. <88> <88> <02C6> Billable flow (B 1 + B 5) 7. If your utility is a political subdivision and you do not have a certificate of convenience and necessity, your obligation and requirements are dictated by other state statutes.