NASA requires full disclosure of current and pending support from domestic and non-domestic sources. PI/RA will convert all Other Support forms to a flattened PDF file and upload into eRA Commons. Google Translate). Post-award, recipients must address any substantive changes by submitting a prior approval request to NIH in accordance with the NIHGPS section on Administrative RequirementsChanges in Project and BudgetNIH Standard Terms of Award., Information on other active and pending support will be requested as part of the Just-in-Time procedures, Consult the NIH Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), NIH defines Other Support to include [A]ll resources made available to researcher or senior/ key personnel in support of and/or related to all of their research endeavors, regardless of whether or not they have monetary value and regardless of whether they are based at the institution the researcher identifies for the current grant. My PI is no longer associated with a project that appears on their report. What should I do? Total cost of the proposal, award or activity, including direct costs, indirect costs, Total project period (start and end date of the activity), Person-months effort (per year) being dedicated to the award or activity. to verify current and pending personal awards. With the release of their revised Grant Policy Statement in October of 2019, NIH revised their definition of Other Support. Additionally, all faculty will be required to electronically sign their NIH Other Support disclosures using DocuSign beginning January 25, 2022. Circulate the document to the faculty for review and approval. The Current and Pending Support Form assists in identifying potential scientific, budgetary or commitment overlap in financial assistance awards. Professor, Vice Provost, and Chief Risk Officer. For other report types, this will need to be manually added within the fillable PDF form or by typing the information into the Word document. 3. An effective approach to ensuring accurate disclosures while reducing burden is the use of digital persistent identifiers (DPIs), particularly the ORCID identifier (Open Researcher and Contributor Identifiers). This section of NSFs website also provides FAQs for both the NSF Fillable PDF format of the C&P and the SciENcv version. in return. Finally, the federal government now requires all covered individuals to certify that they have been made aware of these disclosure requirements. OSP suggests that MSU key personnel provide a draft Other Support form for review prior to signing. NSF has not released the schema or coding that ASU developers would need to use in order to update ERA to generate a C&P that NSF systems will see as identical to NSFs Fillable PDF form. Information about each schools process for reviewing foreign appointments may be foundhere. All resources and other support for all individuals designated in an application as senior/key personnel including for the program director/principal investigator (PD/PI) and for other individuals who contribute to the scientific development or execution of a project in a substantive, measurable way, whether or not they request salaries or compensation. Court Memorandum A Sailor may submit a statement to record about any performance evaluation. Once added, the, This can also occur if the RA includes non-budgeted personnel within FP Smartform 1.2.1 Lead Unit, Investigators & Allocations but not within FP Smartform 1.1.1 Additional Personnel. The tool does not filter by project role, as users need to be able to easily pull a report of all projects on which an individual is named. (a) Recall: Detail the actions of the swans, the beaver, and the duck. The Guide will be effective for applications submitted (via or due, on or after October 4, 2021. 3. The percentage per year to be devoted to the other projects. . Consulting or professional service arrangements that do not involve conducting research. In-kind contributions for the project being proposed. Visit our new resource for guidance on how to fill out the new Current & Pending Fillable Forms. 1. Review data for accuracy and completeness. NSF has clarified that start-up packages provided to the individual from the proposing organization do not have to be reported. You may use a machine translation service to translate the document. Once this page opens, select NDAWS from the left side of the screen. The table below lists the SmartForms that the C&P Tool uses to identify if a submitted proposal or active award should be pulled into an individuals C&P report and how this information can be updated. Awards issued prior to 2006 were entered on a paper NAVPERS 1070/604 and should be filed in your OMPF. The 2020 PAPPG was effective for proposals submitted or due, and awards made, on or after October 5, 2020. The Current and Pending Support form must include: DOE uses NSFs Current and Pending Support format, which can be completed through SciENcv, or the PDF template. Please consult theoriginal NIHNoticeandFAQs, as well asJHUs Current and Pending Support pagefor additional guidance on what needs to be disclosed. If the time commitment or dollar value of the in-kind contribution is not readily ascertainable, the recipient must provide reasonable estimates. Military Awards and Decorations | National Archives JHURA will not include any agreement that has not been vetted through the investigators Deans Office, but NIH may request such documents. Navigating Your Electronic Service Record (ESR) Self Service account Using CAC and CAC-enabled computer with Internet access, log into ESR at Choose the DoD CA-XX certificate, not the email certificate. Note: Before uploading to FastLane or, the information in the C&P forms pulled from the ERA C&P Tool will need to be transferred into the NSF Fillable PDF form downloaded from NSFs website. Down Arrow. A sailor has been approved to convert to a rating that requires a security clearance. All research resources including, but not limited to, foreign financial support, research or laboratory personnel, lab space, scientific materials, selection to a foreign talents or similar-type program, or other foreign or domestic support must be reported. For example, if visiting faculty or scholars who are supported by their home institution work in your lab on federally-funded research, that constitutes reportable support. An Investigator Allocation Change may also need to be completed. All current projects and activities that involve senior/key personnel, even if the support received is only in-kind (e.g. Sponsored project awards to MSU from non-domestic entities. NSF has published a revised version of the NSF Application Guide (NSF 21-084). 1-86-NARA-NARA or 1-866-272-6272, An Overview of Military Service Records at NARA. In-kind contributions not intended for use on the project/proposal being proposed also must be reported. Other Support may include resources and/or financial support, domestic or foreign, available in support of or related to a researchers research endeavors, regardless of whether they are awarded through Johns Hopkins, through another institution, or provided directly to the researcher. PAPPG Chapter II - NSF Once added, the Update Person Months activity will need to be completed to include their appropriate person months on the project. Give JHU access to your ORCID record. Thank you again for your compliance with federal laws and regulations. In addition, members of the Provosts office and the research administration offices are available to provide departmental briefings as needed. Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs, In 2019, NIH issued a notice reminding the research community to report foreign activities through documentation of other support, foreign components, and financial conflict of interest to prevent scientific, budgetary, or commitment overlap. Promote to Current Budget once completed and re-route for department reviews. Add the information for the proposal you are working on to the C&P in the next fillable form section. The NOK may, If the Federal civil servant's employment ended. An item or service given with the expectation of an associated time commitment is not a gift and is instead an in-kind contribution and must be reported as Other Support. When completing Current and Pending Support, the total award amount for the entire award period covered (including indirect costs) must be provided, as well as the number of person-months (or partial person-months) per year to be devoted to the project by the individual. RAs will need to update the font size of person months effort tables to at least 11 point Times New Roman in the NIH Other Support documented downloaded from the ERA C&P Tool. The total amount of support the individual is receiving in connection to each of the other research projects or will receive if other proposals are awarded. Recently the Federal Government has been placing additional scrutiny on foreign influence and the impact to federal research. An Update Current and Pending Reporting Data activity is available to Research Advancement (RA) users on each ERA Funding Proposal (FP) and ERA Award, to allow RA users to enter the NIH Major Goals, NSF Overall Objectives, and NSF Statement of Potential Overlap. To participate in the next advancement exam, a waiver of time-in-rate requirement for Early Promote (EP) Sailors is granted by what authority? Consult updated NIH Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on Other Support and Foreign Components. Note: RAs will need to update the font size of person months effort tables to at least 11 point Times New Roman in the NIH Other Support documented downloaded from the ERA C&P Tool. In addition, investigators should ensure that all agreements that relate to any foreign appointment or an item listed on the Other Support page have been reviewed and approved by their Deans Office prior to being included in the Other Support. Since the NSF proposal for which you are creating the C&P document will not be included in the information generated by the C&P tool, this will need to be added manually once the C&P form is downloaded from ERA. Andrew Douglas The C&P tool pulls all C&P information directly from one source: Enterprise Research Administration (ERA) System. Miniature decorations are not replaced by the Department of Navy. The Department of the Navy Military Awards Policy. The official history of assignments during a person's Navy career while on active duty should be found in what systems? Use the "e-Submission Documents" tab to view documents pending acceptance into your OMPF. ORCID iDs can simplify investigator reporting by saving time, ensuring accuracy, and improving the tracking of career outcomes. These unique identifiers distinguish individual investigators and can be used to connect researchers with their contributions to science over time and across changes of name, location, and institutional affiliation. Update this information in the FP and AWD Activities "Update Current and Pending Reporting Data" to reduce administrative burden in the future. Promotion summary groups of two members can receive what two individual promotion recommendations? PMKEE E4 Flashcards | Quizlet Decorations and Medals (Awards) - Navy Start-up packages and all other research-related support from entities other than MSU, even if the research will be carried out at another institution. Potential scientific and budgetary overlap with a proposed research project To aid in your decision making about what to include in Other Support, the university has prepared a FAQ webpage related to these changes. Facilities and Administrative Costs (F&A), International Research and Global Collaborations, NSF Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU), Subrecipient vs. Check the funding opportunity announcement as well as specific agency policies and make sure information is complete, accurate, and follows sponsor guidelines. It is ultimately the responsibility of the individual researcher to ensure that the report of Other Support is complete and accurate to the best of their knowledge. The FAL provided information and guidance on what should be included in Funding Opportunity Announcements (FOA) and Financial Assistance Agreements related to Current and Pending Support disclosures. RAs are advised to review original FPs for all pending and current items and include any cost shared effort budgeted in the proposal within the Project/Proposal section of the Current & Pending Support form for NSF and NIH. Agreements from non-domestic entities for resources such as, lab space, access to personnel, equipment, or any in-kind resources. What is an Expired award, and why do expired awards appear in the C&P tool? Department of Defense As part of the National Defense Authorization Act for FY 2019, the Department of Defense (DoD) was directed to ensure that academic institutions that participate in defense research and engineering activities have their key personnel make full disclosure of the following Other Support information: A list of all current projects the individual is working on, in addition to any future support the individual has applied to receive, regardless of the source. where on earth\cancel{\text{earth}}earth (Earth). For pending proposals, provide the total amount of requested funding. Including new personnel in a Rev FP does not automatically pull them into the personnel list on the Award side. Current and pending support includes the proposal being submitted, ongoing projects, and any proposal currently under consideration, from all sources, regardless of whether the support is provided through the proposing organization or is provided directly to the individual. Be sure to save as a Word document. If the time commitment or dollar value is not readily ascertainable, reasonable estimates should be provided. To be eligible for a C-Way quota, a Sailor that has received a "Significant Problem" or "Progressing evaluation must have at least what total number of promotable or higher evaluations? Failure to follow the appropriate formats on or after January 25, 2022 may cause NIH to withdraw applications from or delay consideration of funding. List all positions and scientific appointments both domestic and foreign held by senior/key personnel that are relevant to an application including affiliations with foreign entities or governments. Name and address of the agencies and/or other parties supporting the other research projects. DOE Grants: Current and Pending Support DOE has updated the requirements for disclosure of a variety of potential conflicts of interest or commitment, including participation in foreign government-sponsored talent recruitment programs.