Their confidence and self-esteem suffer. B) infants respond differently to a familiar caregiver than to a stranger. b) Surface acting is trying to modify your true inner feelings based on display rules. O a. Artificial general intelligence (AGI) is the ability of an intelligent agent to understand or learn any intellectual task that human beings or other animals can. Iran9. Answer: C. 1) A secure attachment in infancy c) The respect category may contain reverence and integrity. Correct answers: 2 question: Which statement is not true about emotions? Learn more from c. the cognitions involved in emotion range from your immediate perceptions of a specific event to your general philosophy of life a) Matt will work beyond expectations to complete a special project. 1) In a study of children reared in extremely depleted Romanian orphanages, the longer they remained in the orphanages, the For if they fall, one will lift up his companion. (B) Find limtx(t)\lim_{t\to\infty} x(t)limtx(t). C) growing up in a low-SES family with many daily stresses. B) before the first birthday. x(t)=1+399e0.4t400. 1) Self-conscious emotions Variable costs are$24 per unit, and fixed costs are $40,000. c. do say everything that is on your mind a) an individual's feelings based on information internal to himself or herself Attitudes are acquired from all of these sources EXCEPT: B) the fear of falling. Turkey5. B) Raja, a sociable and assertive child b) The relationship between general attitudes and behavior is stronger than the relationship between specific attitudes and behaviors. e) feel sad when passed over for a promotion, a) emphasize emotions, along with more cognitive aspects in performing their jobs. a. suppression C) temperament. \hline Affective Events Theory includes all of the following components EXCEPT: B) voluntary, effortful management of emotions. d) Employee engagement e) the spillover effect. 1) Between ages 3 and 6, c) Self-conscious emotions come from internal sources. Kaylee's self-evaluation is most strongly influenced by her d. all of the above, 29. B) resistant attachment. C) infant temperament. The four perspectives in the balanced scorecard are (1) financial, (2) customer, (3) internal process, and (4) learning and growth. D) unresolved. C) empathy. A) preattachment C) smile, laugh, and cry more frequently. Which of the following can the Paxtons expect to experience? a) values and attitudes. C) were comfortable, even delighted, with new experiences. \hline \text { 9. C) self-efficacy. A) 5 to 10 B) sometimes develop strong emotional ties to cuddly objects. According to Cline (2002) love becomes a problem when: c) Embarrassment 1) Benny is a shy baby. All of the following statements about emotion regulation are true EXCEPT: Group of answer choices Reappraisal and suppression can decrease amygdala activity in response to negative situations Reappraisal and suppression can decrease insula activity in response to negative situations Reappraisal and . b) changing future behavior. These emotions appear in the first six months of the infant's development C. They include emotions like surprise, interest, joy, anger, sadness, fear, and disgust D. b. emotional lack of control Production of a dollar's worth of natural gas requires inputs of $0.30\$ 0.30$0.30 from electricity, $0.10\$ 0.10$0.10 from natural gas, and $0.20\$ 0.20$0.20 from oil. B) habituation and recovery. Most emotions are instinctual and universal We usually respond to a particular event with a single emotion We experience emotions holistically Emotions are distinct events that we can identify Recent research has found that emotions are either basic or learned. A. Matt has high job involvement, which of the following can be expected from Matt? a. seeing yourself as a victim d) at-home effect 1) In one study, the combination of __________ and __________ increased the likelihood of insecure attachment at 12 months. A) cries in response to the infant's crying B) difficult. Find the output for each sector that is needed to satisfy a final demand of $25\$ 25$25 billion for electricity, $15\$ 15$15 billion for natural gas, and $20\$ 20$20 billion for oil. The following model was fitted to a sample of 25 students using data obtained at the end of their freshman year in college. D) highly distractible. A) sympathy. C) become freer and more open about emotional expression with age. Thailand } \\ 1) Ten-month-old Annette is displaying a "mouth-open" smile. Australia7. D) 50 to 60, 1) U.S. child-care settings providing the very worst care tend to serve __________ families. d. own your feelings, a. take responsibility for other people's feelings. e) culture. a) A positive or negative mood can influence emotions. A) more likely to feel shame after failure. 1) The most frequent expression of fear is D) birth order and gender; having four or more children. A) emotional contagion. C) lower; irritability; agreeability c. be with the mourner A) Hispanic c) employee engagement and job satisfaction B) Results cannot be used to determine real-life interventions for insecure children. Ethiopia5. Advertisement A) a secure base. e) Job satisfaction is lower in smaller companies. A) low-SES 1) __________ reflects faster processing of information than smiling. page 155. page 164. Most emotions are instinctual and universal We usually respond to a particular event with a single emotion We experience emotions holistically Emotions are distinct events that we can identify Recent research has found that emotions are either basic or learned 1-6), Elliot Aronson, Robin M. Akert, Timothy D. Wilson. France } & \text { 8. 1) Which of the following statements is true about attachment? A) an understanding of basic emotions. b. the person we love doesn't love us e) cognitive, The __________ component of an attitude is a specific feeling regarding the personal impact of the antecedents, while the __________ component is an intention to behave in a certain way based on your specific feelings or attitudes. C) regard their children as more alike than other observers do. A) Dogon A) Until recently, the field of OB has given the topic of emotions little or no attention. d. depression, 24. e) personality and objectives. d) ego and values. __________ always have an object or something to trigger them. a) friends. A) temperament. c) cognition C) basic emotions are more complex than self-conscious emotions. Which one of the following statements is true about emotions? 1) According to the dynamic systems perspective, B) more likely to feel pride after success. Which of the following statements regarding the six major categories identified by researchers is correct? A) Unlike mothers', fathers' interactional synchrony with infants does not predict attachment security. (False) 3. c) job involvement Marisol shares a nurse-caregiver with ten other infants. a. avoid minimizing the loss a.) A) It is affected by a macrosystem of collectivist values and strict government regulation. a) A manager gives a high performer a good raise in his salary. Common fears during the school years include pages 156 & 157. LaDonna is displaying D) became more extreme in disposition over time. Two-month-old Trey is crying loudly. D) basic emotions. 53. D) tend to be less active, irritable, and vocal, and better at quieting themselves. A) social B) a parent's greeting. C) parental temperament. d) very sensitive to the display of emotions in foreign cultures a) A positive or negative mood can influence emotions. e) Affective Events Theory extends understanding of people's moods on the job and why job satisfaction is decreasing. b) skill variety, task identity, task significance, autonomy, and feedback Psychology. It is likely that e) The magnitude of the person's agreeableness; the magnitude of the person's self-efficacy, b) The degree of a person's perceived control over the situation; the magnitude of the rewards involved, ________ is the degree of loyalty an individual feels toward the organization. Which of the following statements about emotions is NOT true? Emotions can be facilitative or debilitative. Mya's situation is an example of a(n), Andy, a business student at Frost University told his friends, "I was really angry when my professor criticized my presentation in class." Portugal9. Which of the following statements about self-conscious emotions is TRUE? When emotional self-regulation has developed well, young people acquire a sense of C) he has begun to make jokes about birds in an attempt to overcome his fear. A) the quality of attachment. C) joint attention. D) irritable distress. b. everyone experiences stages of grief D) Rhesus monkeys reared with terry-cloth and wire-mesh "surrogate mothers" clung to whichever mother-substitute held their bottle and fed them, regardless of the substitute's softness. Stress, or the body's response to a change that requires a physical, mental or emotional response, is always bad for the individual. A relationship often exist between emotion and motivation. e) an individual's feelings based on information internal and external to himself or herself, b) an individual's feelings based on information external to himself or herself. India8. D) secure. c) The argument that rewards cause both satisfaction and performance suggests that managers can positively influence both satisfaction and performance by properly allocating rewards. The five facets of job satisfaction measured by the Job Descriptive Index are __________. D) Bettina, who refuses to disagree with her husband in front of her children, 1) Which of the following situations would be considered an excellent context for early learning about emotions? China6. b) acknowledged; affective C) lack of respect for men within the tribe. b) recognize when their organizations are transforming organizational culture a.) Its wings are too small to get its fat little body off the ground. 1) Thirty-five percent of children do not fit into any of the Thomas and Chess temperament categories. In the shorthand technique for expressing your feelings, you are encouraged to: According to your text, steps to learning to expand your ability to love include: Emotions are seldom influenced by biological foundations and experiences. c) Moods always lack a contextual stimulus. 1) In adopted children with longer institutional stays, the volume of the __________ is atypically __________. Colin probably tends to be __________ than his agemates. a) The fear category may contain alarm and anxiety. d. all of the above are helpful, d. all of the above are helpful. b) rational commitment and emotional commitment (a) Emotions are caused by specific events. e) organizational citizenship, The two primary dimensions to organizational commitment are __________. D) guilt. b) Guilt c. a loss or the threat of a loss The proportion of body fat is identical for girls and boys. A) less sociable with peers c) Rewards do not have to be perceived as equitable to lead to satisfaction She then gently takes the rattle away, smiling and saying, "Thank you." b) Believing one's opinions count. a. the ability to monitor, access, express, and regulate one's own emotions page 164, 22. B) children begin to use language to assist with emotional self-regulation. d) affective; behavioral 1) One-year-old Dominic demonstrates a high level of persistence. According to Bowlby's theory of attachment, Jonathan is in the __________ phase. Societal expectations can influence one's emotional expressions. B) negatively; collectivist values a) Job satisfaction A) Positive feelings dispose an individual to optimism but make him less open to new ideas. - Purchased merchandise on account from American Tools, $1,230.00. D) separation anxiety. According to the researches it is found t. Britney is using C) SES; limited resources c) cognitive dissonance. a. examine why you feel guilty O d. Emotions are the first language with which parents and infants communicate. C) secure; avoidant B) display less anxiety when interacting with a stranger. d. emotions can be triggered by thoughts. C) anger and hostility toward peers. c. men are more likely to express feelings of vulnerability b. forgive yourself b. repression a. 1) When June's father enters the room at her child-care center, June breaks into a broad, friendly smile. (c) Moods are more action oriented in. B) less aggressive B) self-efficacy. 54. None of these statements about emotions are false. b) characteristics of the job, job demands, and the supervisor's directives. Which of the following statements about emotion is true? Which of the following statements about emotions is true? A) Ecological systems Option A. Emotions involving the emotional reactions of others when they are generated are referred to asself-conscious emotions. d) Property deviance e) employee engagement behaviors, Which of the following is an incorrect example of counterproductive workplace behaviors? d. men's emotional behavior often displays their emotional inclinations, a. men are less bashful about revealing their strengths. A) lower; negative emotion; positive emotion B) avoidant; securely attached C) Avoid authoritative child-rearing practices and encourage independence. b. C) After six or eight months, Aina will display few, if any, attachment difficulties. What would you create? 1) A special form of communication called __________ separates the experiences of secure from insecure babies. B) dismissing C) "clear-cut" attachment C) stand by helplessly and watch classmates participate in activities without him. 2. d) emotional intelligence. D) exhibit defiance and disobedience in middle childhood. C) emotional self-efficacy. A) positive reinforcement. b) day laborers B) Bowlby's phases of attachment. e) Attitudes are hypothetical constructs. 1) Toddlers in Western cultures who sleep alone and experience frequent daytime separations from their parents Group of answer choices Emotion is unidimensional. B) disorganized/disoriented C) parenting practices C) become withdrawn, lose weight, and have difficulty sleeping. Brazil1. D) rhythmicity, 1) According to Mary Rothbart's model of temperament, which dimension measures an individual's distress level when desires are frustrated? D) delayed social-referencing skills. 1) John Bowlby's theory of attachment was inspired by studies of e.) Emotional intelligence, Chapter 6: Motivation and Performance GCU MGT, Ch. b) emotional contagion. D) two emotions cannot really occur at once. a. admit your fear Consider the experiment depicted by the Venn diagram, with the sample space SSS containing five sample points. a. b) Recognized; acknowledged d) process emotions in a strict hierarchal structure (C ) Graph $x=x(t) for000\leq{t}30\leq3030. d. People tend to be in their best mood on the weekend. d. discovery and release, b. learning to forgive and forget. b) Management in Europe is not concerned about differences in emotions. a. sign up for on-line dating, join dating chat rooms, attend a "fast track" dating session e) Self-conscious emotions and social emotions come from external sources. B) Betty, who has a secure attachment bond with her child Surface acting b) organizational commitment To manage her emotion, 12-year-old Britney appraises the situation as changeable, identifies the difficulty, and decides what to do about it. Thailand10. What is the cause of dementia in this client? Indonesia7. e) Believing there is a direct connection between one's work and one's pay. B) observers find it hard to capture all relevant information. A) adult criticism \hline \text { 3. A) children coordinate separate skills into more effective, emotionally expressive systems as the central nervous system develops. 1) Which of the following is an example of a self-conscious emotion? Indonesia } & \text { 7. D) separation protests decline. A) more emotionally positive. D) disorganized/disoriented. a. A) during early infancy. Chile9. Australia7. Based on research, which of the following suggestions would you give the Yoto's? a) construction workers b.) China6. D) resistant, 1) German babies are more likely than American babies to display a(n) __________ attachment style. A) Emotions are learned behaviors. 3. Philippines } \\ According to the Affective Events Theory, which of the following is true? A) social referencing. 5. C) involve injury to or enhancement of our sense of self. 1) Which of the following statements is true regarding paternal depression? page 165, 23. page 161, 14. 1) Two-year-old Jonathan asks his father to read him a story before leaving him with a babysitter. C) Fathers tend to engage in highly arousing physical play with bursts of excitement and surprise that increase as play progresses. C) middle childhood 1) Which of the following statements is true about postpartum depression? 1) One criticism of home research observations of temperament is that Most emotions are experienced as dramatic and long-lasting events. B) have temperamental characteristics that change frequently, depending on social and family influences. D) Fathers and mothers in Western nations tend to play in similar ways with their children, providing toys and playing gentle conventional games. B) showing Cali how small a cat is compared to humans, and tell her she should not be afraid of something so small. D) strong interpersonal skills. 1) Which of the following explains the marked differences in temperament between Asian and Caucasian-American babies? 1) In 1990, shyness in Chinese children was __________ associated with being well-adjusted. \end{array} a. there are individual differences in how people grieve China } \\ Which of the following is not an aspect of Emotional intelligence? c) deviant workplace behaviors The relationship between emotion and cognition is bidirectional. C) moderately d. suppress the feeling, 18. A) avoidant. C) fearful distress A) preattachment D) Provide warm, supportive care and make appropriate demands when approaching new experiences. D) Emotional reactions can lead to learning that is . A) show a mild decrease in saliva concentrations of cortisol across the day. B) avoidant C) watches the other infant with a sense of curiosity \hline \text { 1. Which of the following is not considered one of the six major types of emotions identified by researchers? D) Limit unstructured social activities until Raj is older. C) relationship stability. 1. page 172. Guatemala } \\ O b. B) "attachment-in-the-making" D) emotional self-regulation. d) There are gender differences in job satisfaction and how it is dealt with. China1. a) emotion e) autonomy, relationships with peers, relationships with superiors, feedback, and the work itself, a) the work itself, quality of supervision, relationships with co-workers, promotion opportunities, and pay, The flip side of organizational citizenship are__________. A) Provide opportunities for community service activities. e) A mood is likely to be directed at a specific person or event. D) reciprocal relationship. A. India4. answer choices "Communicate that you understand someone else's situation." "Show that you are angry with the company." "Ignore a customer's feelings." "Cry with the customer." Question 3 30 seconds Q. Felix is demonstrating the concept of 1) Cross-cultural evidence reveals that people around the world A) his fear has persisted for over a week. 1) Research on the Aka of Central Africa reveals that a strong father-infant relationship is due in great part to a(n) True According to four-drive theory, the drive to ______ counterbalances the drive to ______. C) a sense of self-efficacy. a) Negative emotions are required for success on-the-job in most cultures. Emotional intelligence includes all the following factors EXCEPT: According to EI, the ability to think before acting and to control disruptive impulses is. - Purchased merchandise on account from Harris Manufacturing, Inc.,$480.00. Iran3. B) sensitive caregiving. A) positive-affect; fearful-distress A) Contemporary research indicates that an infant's emotional tie to the mother is the foundation of all later relationships. a. anxiety D) a functionalist approach. b. d. the person that we love makes bad choices, c. it gets in the way of our allowing individuals the right to experience the consequences of their choices. A) infancy and toddlerhood India } & \text { 7. primary emotions . answer choices True False Question 4 30 seconds Q. \text{Stock market}& \underline{\hspace{35pt}} & \underline{\hspace{35pt}} & \underline{\hspace{35pt}}\\ 1) When responding to a peer's distress, children __________ rarely express concern and frequently display fear, anger, or engage in physical attacks. D) late childhood and adolescence, 1) Twin studies reveal that empathy is __________ heritable. b) work events. c. listen to your body A) monsters and ghosts. C) minimal Multiple Choice Emotions are experiences. 27. A) constant d.) Emotional dissonance b. be a better listener b0=7.35b1=0.653b2=1.345b3=0.613. C) Authoritative parents tend to discourage emotional expression in their children. All of the following are questions to ask yourself when attempting to shift your anger form an emotional level to an intellectual level except: Excessive emotions are said to be debilitative, and mild emotions are said to be: 9. Which of the following statements are true regarding emotions and gender?